University of Hawai'i at Mānoa


Stone, C. P., C. W. Smith, and J. T. Tunison (eds.). 1992. Alien plant invasions in native ecosystems of Hawaii: Management and research

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Title Pages, Preface, Acknowledgments, Explanatory Notes, Authors, Table of Contents. Pages v-xv

Illustrated Plate: Perspectives

Loope, Lloyd L. An overview of problems with introduced plant species in national parks and biosphere reserves of the United States. Pages 3-28

Vitousek, Peter M. Effects of alien plants on native ecosystems. Pages 29-41

Mack, Richard N. Characteristics of invading plant species. Pages 42-46

LaRosa, Anne Marie, Robert F. Doren and Lance Gunderson. Alien plant management in Everglades National Park: An historical perspective. Pages 47-63

Halvorson, William L. Alien plants at Channel Islands National Park. Pages 64-96

Illustrated Plate: Status and Distribution of some Important Alien Plants in Hawaii

Wester, Lyndon. Origin and distribution of adventive alien flowering plants in Hawaii. Pages 99-154

Jacobi, James D. and Fredrick R. Warshauer. Distribution of six alien plant species in upland habitats on the island of Hawaii. Pages 155-188

Herbst, Derral R. and Warren L. Wagner. Alien plants on the northwestern Hawaiian islands. Pages 189-224

Whiteaker, Louis D. and Donald E. Gardener. Firetree (Myrica faya) distribution in Hawaii. Pages 225-240

Smith, Clifford W. Distribution, status, phenology, rate of spread, and management of Clidemia in Hawaii. Pages 241-253

Juvik, James O. and Sonia P. Juvik. Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): The spread and adaptation of a temperate weed in the montane tropics. Pages 254-270

LaRosa, Anne Marie. The status of banana poka in Hawaii. Pages 271-299

Anderson, Stephen J., Charles P. Stone and Paul K. Higashino. Distribution and spread of alien plants in Kipahulu Valley, Haleakala National Park, above 2,300 feet elevation. Pages 300-338

Illustrated Plate: Physical and Chemical Control

Santos, Gregory L., Dina Kageler, Donald E. Gardner, Linda W. Cuddihy and Charles P. Stone. Herbicidal control of selected alien plant species in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Pages 341-375

Tunison, Timothy J. Fountain grass control in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park: Management considerations and strategies. Pages 376-393

Smith, Clifford W. and Timothy J. Tunison. Fire and alien plants in Hawaii: Research and management implications for native ecosystems. Pages 394-408

Illustrated Plate: Biological Control

Davis, Clifton J., Ernest Yoshioka and Dina Kageler. Biological control of Lantana, prickly pear and Hamakua Pamakani in Hawaii: Review and update. Pages 411-431

Gardner, Donald E. Plant pathogens as biocontrol agents in native Hawaiian ecosystems. Pages 432-451

Nakahara, Larry M., Robert M. Burkhart and George Y. Funaski. Review and status of biological control of Clidemia in Hawaii. Pages 452-465

Markin, George P., Po-Yung Lai and George Y. Funasaki. Status of biological control of weeds in Hawaii and implications for managing native ecosystems. Pages 466-482

Illustrated Plate: Agency, organization and landowner approaches

Tunison, J. Timothy. Alien plant control strategies in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Pages 485-505

Tunison, J. Timothy and Nicholas G. Zimmer. Success in controlling localized alien plants in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Pages 506-524.

Holt, R. Alan. Control of alien plants on Nature Conservancy preserves. Pages 525-535

Tanimoto, Victor M. and Winona P. Char. Alien plant control on state lands including natural areas. Pages 536-550

Loope, Lloyd L., Ronald J. Nagata and Arthur C, Medeiros. Alien Plants in Haleakala National Park. Pages 551-576

Tulang, Mike. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's rural development approach to alien plant control in Hawaii: A case study. Pages 577-583

Bredhoff, Carl Soot. Introduced plant control on private lands in Hawaii. Pages 584-588

Spoehr, Hardy. Public/private sector partnerships to preserve native ecosystems -- the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands experience. Pages 589-593

Illustrated Plate: Introduced Plants in the Absence of Ungulates

Merlin, Mark D. and James O. Juvik. Relationships among native and alien plants on Pacific islands with and without significant human disturbance and feral ungulates. Pages 597-624

Scowcroft, Paul G. and C. Eugene Conrad. Alien and native plant response to release from feral sheep browsing on Mauna Kea. Pages 625-665

Stone, Charles P., Linda W. Cuddihy and J. Timothy Tunison. Responses of Hawaiian ecosystems to removal of feral pigs and goats. Pages 666-704

Illustrated Plate: Choosing Which Plants to Introduce

Higa, Stan. Plant importation rules and regulations. Pages 707-711

Yee, Rylan S. N. and Wayne C. Gagne'. Activities and needs of the horticulture industry in relation to alien plant problems in Hawaii. Pages 712-725

Osgood, Robert V. and Robert D. Wiemer. Plant introduction needs of the Hawaiian sugar industry. Pages 726-731

Cran, Gordon and Ken Dillingham. Choosing plant introductions: Needs of grazers. Pages 732-735

Illustrated Plate: Choosing Which Plants to Control in Native Ecosystems

Mack, Richard M. and Michael E. Moody. Modeling to predict the fate of invading plants. Pages 739-742

Bridges, Kent W. Rule-based decision making: A way to determine which alien species to control. Pages 743-751

Taylor, Dan. Controlling weeds in natural areas in Hawaii: A manager's perspective. Pages 752-756

Markin, George P. and Ernest Yoshioka. Evaluating proposed biological control programs for introduced plants. Pages 757-778

Illustrated Plate: Ecosystem Approaches, Education, and Community Involvement

Tunison, J. Timothy and Charles P. Stone. Special Ecological Areas: An approach to alien plant control in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Pages 781-798

Stone, Charles P. Environmental education in Hawaii: History and overview. Pages 799-806

Hawkins, John W. Environmental education in the schools. Pages 807-812

Tunison, J. Timothy and Edwin T. Misaki. The use of volunteers for alien plant control at Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and The Nature Conservancy's Kamakou preserve. Pages 813-818

Illustrated Plate: In Conclusion...

Tunison, J. Timothy, Clifford W. Smith and Charles P. Stone. Alien plant management in Hawaii: Conclusions. Pages 821-833

Illustrated Plate: Index

Index. Pages 837-887